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Classmates In North Carolina: 42
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Gloria Bell (Cotten)
Jimmy Blue
Bill Brady
Mike Bullard
Pam Coughenour (Riemer)
Janice Craig (Liles)
Dan Dean
Ellen Gaw (Dean)
Carol Gibson (Halldorson)
Stewart Gibson
Peggy Hatcher (Potter)
Elaine Herring (Denton)
Betty Hoyle (Teachey)
Ronnie Hulon
Dorothy (Ann) Jacobs (Lowery)
Judith (Judy) Joseph (Andrews)
Joel Lea
Pete Liles
Beverly Massengill (McLauchlin)
Nan McDonald (Turner)
Parks Mullis
Johnny Muse
Janice Myers (Gibson)
John Neal
Archie Paul
Lynn Regan (Massey)
Jackie Rushin
Christine (Chris) Sellers (Wo…
Phyllis Sewell (Clark)
Richard Sheppard
Mitchell Simmons
Brenda Smith (Forbes)
Mary Stearns (Tuley)
Johnny Stevens
Kenny Thompson
Jimmy Townsend
Michael (Mike) Tyson
Judy West (Stevens)
Louise White
Bobby Wilkes
Betty Jo Willis (Carsner)
Edward Wright